....Was looking at the full moon last night and had this acutely CLEAR moment when I just FELT how incredible it is to be standing on this Earth as the precise ballet of planets occurs around us ... This morning, I started to rummage through my paintings to see how often I have depicted this orb.
Some are oils, some are acrylic, some are over 20 years old ...
Marvel at the Celestial!
Moon Over Lake Ontario. Painted by M.L.Holton |
Moon Over Farm, Painted by M.L.Holton |
Moon Over Lake, (Inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe), Painted by M.L.Holton |
Moon Over Lake Ontario I, Painting by M.L.Holton |
Moon Over Barn, Painting by M.L.Holotn |
Over the Hill, Under the Moon, Back to the Pond, Painting by M.L.Holton |
... old one ... Moon at Roger's Gap, Georgian Bay, Painting by M.L.Holton |
Moon Over Tews Falls, Painting by M.L.Holton |