Showing posts with label orchids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orchids. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2013

32nd Royal Botanical Gardens' Orchid Show & Sale - Wow!

There is something irrefutably splendid about orchids. Certainly the turn-out over the weekend to the 32nd Royal Botanical Gardens' Annual Orchid Show & Sale attests to our on-going fascination with these exotic long-blooming plants.  I was personally gob-smacked by the variety, and quickly realized I knew NOTHING about them. So, rather then get bogged down in the technical names 'on route', I shot what appealed to me -  ( did a not-so-good  5 minute slideshow of those images ) - and did some background reading on the plants when I got home.
For die-hard enthusiasts, join the Royal Botantical Gardens Orchid Society - lots of care-taking tips, and you can learn much more about native Canadian orchids.

A few composite shots follow: orchids truly are a visual (and fragrant) delight ... 

I found the following orchids on the way 'out' via the gift shop. 
At first I was 100% fooled by their beauty .... but wait ...
They are fake. 
But there is no question that the artistry involved in their creation is splendid too.

Here's the slideshow I did: and, in truth, it's not so splendid ... sigh
Something is wrong with the text slides  - and the sound. (Turn DOWN your volume!)
Still, if interested in orchids, you'll love it ...  :)