Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two 'Must Attend' Events in the Hammer, February 2011

 From mlh's 'Bruce Trail' photo collage series
Friday night, Feb25th, 7pm
The Bay Area Restoration Council 
4th Annual 'Wine Tasting & Silent Auction'. 
Enjoy an appetizing array of nibbles
and bid on their extensive auction items. 
Tickets $40.  
ALL Proceeds support Bay Area Restoration Council
and its work to restore & protect Hamilton Harbour 
(Note: Tickets CAN be purchased at the door )
More info here -

And, Opening on
Sunday, February 27th, 2-5pm
 The Women's Art Association
of Hamilton - (WAAH)
115th Annual Juried Show 
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Fischer Gallery
123 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario.
(Runs until May 15th, 2011)

Established in 1894 and formerly a branch of the Women's Art Association of Canada, the WAAH is one of the oldest cultural groups in the city of Hamilton, Ontario. The WAAH provides a venue for women artists and art-supporters to share their appreciation of visual arts and to further support the arts within Hamilton. This includes fundraising for scholarships, prizes, hosting lectures, and exhibits. More info here -

'The Clearing' - oil on board, 2010 - by mlh
On display at AGH, until May 15th, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

'CANADADA: A Painter's Nature' . . . . . . . . . LAUNCH - Feb 17th, I pm - Fischer Gallery - Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

'CANADADA: A Painter's Nature' will be available for view & purchase after my Talk/Slide presentation at the Art Gallery of Hamilton on February 17th, 2011. There are ONLY 25 Numbered Copies in this COLLECTOR'S FIRST EDITION - 70 pages of 160 full colour illustrations of just my oil paintings. Hard cover, trim size: 9x11 inches.

Price: $130 
First Come - First Served.
(STax, S&H Extra)

"MLH is a wholly original 'canajun' artist who relentlessly toils for 
her beloved 'Canadada'. Painter of signature 'naive-surreal-folk-abstracts', her 
very personalized vision is often touchingly bitter-sweet. ... 
Maud Lewis Meets Doris McCarthy. These works make you think ...
A novel interpreter of long-standing Canadian themes & memes, 
this mid-career artist, born & raised in Southern Ontario, 
is a good one to add to any evolving global collection 
of contemporary fine art. Affordable now.
A.J. Whyte, Art Critic & Collector

To RESERVE yours TODAY, please contact  'here'. 
Remember, there are ONLY 25 copies  
Numbered & Signed by MLH: 1-25. That's it!

(NB: As of  June 2016, there are 7 copies left ... ) 
 ISBN/CISS: 978-0-9691362-7-9