Showing posts with label #TRILLIUM - NOVEL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TRILLIUM - NOVEL. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fantasy Map Done for Historical Fiction: TRILLIUM by Margaret Lindsay Holton

Growing City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on Southern Shore of Lake Ontario c
It has been my desire for quite some time to DO A MAP that would somehow convey 250 years of evolution on the Niagara peninsula where my third novel TRILLIUM is set - while, at the same time, convincingly convey the fictional aspects of the story about three diverse families who are inescapably intertwined over land, lust and loot ... It was a nagging writerly-type problem ....

Detail from TRILLIUM book MAP
I searched and searched for the Right Person able to undertake this demanding commission, then stumbled, quite fortuitously, on Dutch artist, Chaim Holtjer. 

I was first introduced to Chaim Holtjer's 's inventive work via Twitter. He followed me at @TrillLINDSAY and I followed him back ...

I started to look around his posts and thought "YES .... great fantasy - yet grounded in a believable realism."

We soon connected via FIVERR, and the rest, as they say, is history. Literally.

The fantasy of #HistoricalFiction ... Chaim started with my word premise of what I wanted and needed. (I supplied about 200 words of same, and attached a Google map of the area.)  He responded with a rough sketch that incorporated the basic points as I'd requested.  I responded with a 'mark-up' on that sketch. And then, left him to it ... It took him 2 weeks from start to finish.

(Calligraphy is NOT his strong suit)

Granted, Chaim is not the best calligraphic artist I've ever known ...
But he does SUPER EXCEL  in interpreting landscape, real & imagined. And the price is right.

His FINAL map - uploaded into the paperback and ebook editions of TRILLIUM today - is a wonderful compliment to the story! It will most certainly assist new readers to place those three dynamic fictional families into the ever-evolving region of #Niagara ...

Dive into TRILLIUM !! 

Deepen your understanding of the fascinating history and unique people of the area. Explore the unique times we've lived in. Gain better understanding of the challenging times we live in now. As many readers and critics say:
(And SOON expect an amazing #audiobook rendition, narrated by fab actor > Jens Hansen!)

P.S. If any past readers of TRILLIUM would like a copy of the map, let me know! 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Writers as Performers: Some thoughts by MLHolton

Instagram: @thelesliejordan
Over the last few months, as a result of the COVID19 pandemic, everyone is adjusting as best they can through the proliferating portals of #screenculture.

... Some are more adept at adapting than others ... 

Many have jumped onto ZOOM, Facetime or similar video platforms to compensate for the current lack of 'LIVE' social interactions. This phenomenon is especially evident on Facebook and Instagram where short clips are shared by nearly everyone - including a larger array of professional and amateur actors.

As a result, some surprising 'old school' performers are experiencing sudden break-away 'social media' success, like former B-List actor, Leslie Jordan, (Instagram @thelesliejordan), who has sky-rocketed to 4.9 million followers (!), with his quaint and amusing 'pillow chats' ... A close second is Sir Patrick Stewart (of former Star Trek fame) who has begun a series of Shakespeare sonnet readings under the hashtag #ASonnetADay on his Instagram feed @sirpatstew.

Instagram: @sirpatstew
... It got me thinking about this whole idea of PERFORMING ... of going 'LIVE' .... 

For those who are introverted by nature or unaccustomed to 'acting' for a living, all this jumping on the 'New Normal' screen-culture bandwagon is a somewhat bewildering twist on Everyday Reality ... I mean, must we all become part of the BORG now? 

I, personally, am not comfortable 'performing on-demand' for anyone. Not family, not friends, and certainly not a bunch of unknown strangers from anywhere on the planet ... It's just not the way I want to engage with people, near or far.

Still, during this unprecedented pandemic, 'Necessity has become the Mother of Invention'.

Recently, I was invited to read for the Oakville Public Library's Author Series. The following video was the result...

Sigh. And Arg. ... Let's not kid ourselves. I am not a very comfortable or an inspiring 'performer' ... Why? Because I am a WRITER, not an ACTRESS!!! And yet, such is the Nature of the Beast these days. Acting - aka selling - is not just a requirement anymore, it has become a Necessity ... 

#Bookem Hostess with the Mostest
The following link is from an writer I very much admire, Veronica Cline Barton. Veronica has stepped into this Brave New World by recently launching, with two other women writers, a YouTube book channel, #Bookem, to promote their writing as well as written works by others.

Is dear Veronica a 'good actress'? In truth, I think that depends a great deal on what one might expect from someone not trained in the discipline, (like me!), but who clearly understands the Necessity of self-promotion.

I think it safe to say that my darling friend is no Katherine Hepburn ... BUT - Veronica is very much her Self. And, at the end of the day, surely that IS the greatest of accomplishments. Veronica is very much, and authentically, her Self.  

In the following clip, Veronica  offers a very kind and generous shout-out for my 3rd novel, TRILLIUM.  There is a curious moment when she slides from 'performing' to 'thinking aloud' at the conclusion of why I undertook this latest work ... WATCH it HERE. 

It's a revealing little tidbit. Because, for all her effervescence, tiaras, bright lights and southern charm, Veronica is clearly a thinking writer who is working very hard to fit in with the never-ending array of Hollywood/YouTube/Facebook/Instagram and TikTok performers. To my mind, it is brave and a courageous undertaking. It is a fearless 'get-it-out-there' endeavour ... And it deserves the greatest respect from this admittedly performance-shy author ... Thank you V! 

p.s. Amazon link for TRILLIUM

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Two more shout-outs for novel TRILLIUM by MLHolton

It's always so gratifying when readers resonate with the efforts that an author makes!

A 'GirlfromNiagara', (on Instagram & Twitter), recently tackled TRILLIUM and emerged with -

"TRILLIUM is beautifully written ... the story captivates and mesmerizes." She goes on to describe "some characters are endearing, some repulsive - all compelling." She closes with "Holton's imaginative voice and rich verbiage produces vivid imagery in the reader's mind."  

Authors can't ask for much more than that!

University College at the University of Toronto also gave a shout-out in their mid-July e-mailer to Alumni. Identified as an 'Alumni of Influence' beneath the boost of Canadian director, David Cronenberg, I've been tagged as the artist and author of TRILLIUM.

"Pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy TRILLIUM" that "portrays the intertwined evolution of three families in the Niagara wine-making region." - YES, that's what it does! - Drink up!

Have you added TRILLIUM, a southern Ontario saga to YOUR reading list yet? Available as an ebook or paperback on Amazon  - find your preferred link below -

TRILLIUM in Canada  

For alternate e-book editions
go HERE 

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Greetings from Canadian Artist & Author, MLHolton

Yikes! What a Spring!

mlh 2
Canadian Author & Artist - MLHolton

Who knew that 2020 – a red-letter year that once held so much promise - would prove so challenging?

Out of necessity, we’ve all become monks as we isolate away from our loved ones.

Many try to communicate through screens and cell technology, but clearly, it’s not the same. We want to embrace the warmth of family and friends. We want to be able to see them with our own eyes and just be with them in ‘real time’.

If there is any consolation, this ‘alone time’ has forced us to reflect on what really sustains us. Many are aware of a massive psychic shift happening on many fronts.-- What are we wiling to give up now to live better later?

Jens Hansen

At this end, I continue on with my work -

Many of you have asked when an audio version of my last novel, TRILLIUM*. would be available. With luck, SOON! The wonderful local actor, Jens Hansen, has long been my preferred narrator for this story. We are about half way through now. You are in for a real treat!
Watch his brilliant rendition of 'The Cremation of Sam McGee.'
.. It really is so very gratifying that my tale of Canadian manners and mores continues to accrue positive reviews from as far afield as Australia, Montana, the Yukon and the coastal shores of Ireland - "epic" - a "thoroughly enjoyable read!" - "Powerful page-turner!" - and my all-time favourite - "Magificent!" 
Seriously, it is very gratifying when others deeply enjoy a family-centric story. 

So, what's it about?

TRILLIUM starts in 1756 when young Tom Hartford, a British foot soldier of George II, crosses over the mighty Niagara River. The evolving tale focuses on three very distinct families who arrive, strive and interlock over desires for land, lust and loot within the wine-making region of Niagara in southern Ontario, Canada. - It all ends with a bang 250 years later, in 2001 - WHY then?  Find out  ... :) 

Otherwise, in isolation, I have compiled a fun musical #playlist  to compliment the changing social landscape as it churns thorough-out the historical periods depicted in TRILLIUM.

Travel back in time through two World Wars. - Trip down memory lane through the rock'n'roll 50s & the hippie-dippy 60s!

Tune in to 380+ tunes
- or 20+ HOURS - of listening pleasure. 

(You might want to Bookmark the site!) 

I  must also take a moment to thank many of you for your thought-filled book reviews - especially on Amazon CA and Amazon COM, and on dedicated readers' primary book site, Goodreads. 

Your kind words help. A lot.

If you haven’t already done so, please add your two cents to the sites above.  It means the world to me to have your support.

... Meanwhile, older projects continue on ...

An unexpected 5-star review of my second novel, THE GILDED BEAVER (winner of the Hamilton Literary Awards in 1999), was a delightful surprise! On the strength of it, I have decided to transform that older novel into an updated e-book. I’m working on that now and should have it ready for you by the fall. - If you like Canadian stories with plot twists, this one will be for you!

Tangentially, my 2014 short story, THE FROZEN GOOSE (now adapted into a short 25 minute film) has just been picked up by renowned voice actress, Jacqueline Belle. 

From her studio in Manitoba, she recorded and broadcast it on Youtube. Listen-in to her 13 minute wonderful & unique style of story-telling here

As artists, we are helping each other out.

Overall, 2020 - an annus horribilis is there ever was one - is proving to be a very unsettling and tough year - especially for those of us who live on the fringes - but we WILL get through it! 

With faith and fortitude, this imposed 'slow lifestyle' will reset how we choose to live on this amazing and life sustaining planet. 

In the short term, please do pass along TRILLIUM to those you think would enjoy a good spring or summer read. (Why not send the e-book version as a gift to a loved one in isolation? --- Know that helping them, helps me too.)

Stay Safe, Stay Strong and Stay Healthy! 
With warm regards, 
Margaret Lindsay Holton

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Rites of Spring, 2020

Lake Ontario, Spring, by MLHolton
For many, early April marks sacred ceremonies that honour ancient rites of renewal & rebirth.

2020 is no different. I have been watching from my window as buds emerge on trees, daffodils pop up and rhubarb patches emerge from the damp soil.

I've ventured out a few times, in solitude, at dusk, when there are no other humans about, to just marvel in the continued resurgence and re-emergence of OTHER Life on this, our amazing home planet. Spring smells are so aromatic, especially down by the lake ...

Over the past few weeks, as we've all been confined to our homes for our own and others health and safety, I have, like you, seen numerous videos of how the near terminal ceasing of human activity has impacted the Earth.  Dolphins are swimming in the canals of Venice for the first time in decades. Los Angelos is smog free, as are many of the major industrial cities throughout China. Cumulatively, it's a vivid reminder, not only of our impact, but of our responsibility to the fundamental health and well-being of this place, our collective home.

Who cannot see the OBVIOUS benefits of fresh air, access to clean water, and the varied fruits of cultivated lands for our own health? 

This connection to the planet, more specifically, to the rich land beneath our feet, is very much a substrate of TRILLIUM,  my third novel. I was delighted when it was recently listed in Hamilton's largest newspaper as a recommended #SPRINGREADDamn right: The Time Is Now!

When I started TRILLIUM in the spring of 2018, I had a palpable sense of urgency to 'get the message out' as soon as possible so others could prepare. ... No guff.
Spring Rhubarb, by MLHolton

TRILLIUM is, aside from the surface story of three entangled and entertaining families, a blueprint about the necessity for #localfood harvest and networks. It outlines, through fiction, how generations of neighbours help each other in the planting, gathering and harvesting of needed crops. Agriculture and animal husbandry is an activity as old as humankind itself. TRILLIUM demonstrates how these grassroot alliances establish human bonds thicker than the loftiness of any grander 'national identity'.

Our immediate civil society is built on these links. Families grow when families cross-pollinate and germinate. These deep generational roots are what bind us together in our communal humanity. It is times like this that we truly come to understand and appreciate the recurring and rejuvenating aspect of what makes a #goodneighbour. 

To be clear, globalization does not offer this sense of community. In contrast, globalism is an airy scheme that profits jet-setters, bankers, billionaires and rootless tax-avoiding corporations. It does not bind us, the commoners, within the locality of #families.  Globalism does not know your voice or your face. That kind of intimacy only comes from day-to-day interactions at the grassroots level where 'I know you & you know me'.

As we do emerge from the devastation and impact of this horrific and horrifying pandemic, please let us remember our #goodneighbours. Remember what really makes our unique local civil communities work in times of crisis.

If you need a friendly reminder, please do pick up TRILLIUM.  Share it with your #family - your grand-parents, your spouse, your children and your grand-children. Re-establish a deeper understanding of #families, and the tangible blood network of kinfolk.

Work harder at sharing your isolated and alienated Self in real ways with those who stand near you in real life. - Live in the Real World with all your Senses Wide Awake and Active.  The Time is Now! 

Spring Blessings to you All. 
Margaret Lindsay Holton / Canadian Artist & Author


Extract from The Spec article ....

By Margaret Lindsay Holton

TRILLIUM, no modest undertaking, is a novel whose action stretches over 250 years of #Niagara peninsula history, as it follows the branching out of three diverse families - the Hartfords, O'Sullivans and Di Angelos. Short-listed for the 2019 Hamilton Literary Awards, the book is divided into nine parts with titles like seed, roots, harvest, second harvest. It covers much changing ground, from the agricultural to the industrial to the computer age in the sweeping way that Holton is known for.' Get it now > TRILLIUM.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Zeitgeist of TRILLIUM by MLHolton

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - circa 1800s
Very excited to share two recent events that capture the 'zeitgeist' of my latest #canlit novel, TRILLIUM ---

First, TRILLIUM has recently been listed on - a thoroughly engaging website that links books-to-place.

TRILLIUM scores 5 stars for LOCATION and CONTENT. It is a wonderful acknowledgement that my words are deeply rooted to the landscape on the southern shore of Lake Ontario. The tripfiction website is an ideal site to send to anyone coming to the wine-making peninsula of Niagara.

Shoot visitors this link to TRILLIUM as a preparatory read!

Filled with distinct characters over a span of 250 years starting in the mid 1750s, TRILLIUM explores the rural roots of three principal & distinct families - the Italian Di Angelos, the Irish O'Sullivans and the Anglo-Canadian WASPs, the Hartfords. As their lives intertwine over the decades of centuries, their children inter-marry. - But there are secrets: deep, dark family secrets ...

Second, one of my ambitions vis a vis this book project over the past year was to create a 'playlist' that captures the zeitgeist of the novel. After a few false starts, I think I've finally got it! With a mixed medley of nearly 300 tunes, (or 16.5 hours of listening pleasure), I am very happy to share this zeitgeist mix on SPOTIFY.

I have just recently learned that SPOTIFY also has a computer and TV streaming app option. The TV streaming option is fabulous way to listen if you've got a good sound system hooked up. A very popular music site, listening-in is free on Spotify, with ads. I'd say it is well worth the small membership fee for uninterrupted listening pleasure! - If you love music, it will be hard to leave!

For those who have read TRILLIUM, tune into the TRILLIUM PLAYLIST on SPOTIFY.
For those who haven't read it yet, TUNE IN and see if you might like to ...  (One character, Kieran O'Sullivan, has an extensive record collection from the 1930s, 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s ... Fun!)

Let me know what you think! Is there a good representation of music that wafted over southern Ontario from the mid 1750s to 2001?! When compiling it, I believed that contrary to current trends and influences, music that arrived south of the lake in the past two centuries would have come in by ships first, and then by radio stations from the States, principally Buffalo and Detroit. Thus, many of the East Coast sea shanties and popular American tunes in the playlist. -- Am I missing anything that you think is absolutely essential to reflect the decades from 1750 to 2001? -- Let me know!

Putting this list together has been a real labour of love: I had to listen to hundreds of fantastic, memorable - and dance-inducing - musical tracks. Hurled back in time, I stumbled on old favourites & all-time classics . Oh my - 'House of the Rising Sun' - CLASSIC!!! - Tune in to the TRILLIUM playlist!

If a regular on Shopify, be sure to follow the playlist.
I'll be adding more tunes as time allows.

My one regret is that I didn't set up the playlist chronologically. But after listening for awhile, I rather like how Spotify's algorithms 'shuffles'. Tunes lead naturally into each other. (Does it really matter that they may be decades apart?)

The main IDEA is to capture the zeitgeist of several evolving eras in southern Ontario ... I think it does do just that.

--- ENJOY!

Read more - TRILLIUM - by MLHolton
LISTEN IN to the TRILLIUM playlist on SPOTIFY!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

TRILLIUM by MLHolton now available in the UK & Ireland!

TRILLIUM - by Canadian author MLHolton - NOW REPRESENTED in IRELAND!    
TRILLIUM, now represented in IRELAND!

It is always so exciting when my latest novel, TRILLIUM, finds a new home! 

In this instance, I am delighted to announce an affiliation with Sally Cronin's fabulous life blog - Smorgasbord Cafe & Bookstore' - on the rugged and beautiful east coast of IRELAND. 

Sally's engaging website is chock-a-block with her varied domestic & literary interests. 

Plus, today is Sally's Birthday! - How auspicious! 
And how fitting that one of the central characters in TRILLIUM, Paddy O'Sullivan, immigrated from the east coast of #Ireland to #Canada in the 19th century. His dynasty is established through 250 years of blood, sweat and tears on the burgeoning Niagara Peninsula. Arriving as a poor man, Paddy swiftly builds an enviable real estate empire throughout southern #Ontario. By the time his great grandsons have their day, the O'Sullivan clan is a force to be reckoned with. And it is those two boys, Sean and Eric O'Sullivan, who then shape the O'Sullivan legacy for the NEXT generation ... READ MORE!

TRILLIUM is now available in IRELAND & the UK!
p.s. Happy Birthday Sally & Thank YOU! :)

Friday, January 31, 2020

Canada Book Award! - for TRILLIUM by M.L.Holton


Wonderful! TRILLIUM selected for another
Pick up 'TRILLIUM' - now on AMAZON!

UPDATE:  It's so gratifying when various readers and reviewers compare TRILLIUM to the works of such accomplished authors as Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Edward Rutherford, and Diana Gabaldon. It helps me a great deal to know how my structured phrasings are impacting others. Thank you all for your on-going interest and support, and YES, as promised, the audio version is 'in-the-works' ... More coming on that soon ... mlholton, author. - Feb 4th, 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blast from the Past! The Gilded Beaver by Anonymous, Reviewed by V.Cline Barton

To date, I have written three novels: ECONOMIC SEX in 1985,  The Gilded Beaver by Anonymous in 1999 - and my most recent effort, TRILLIUM, released in 2019.

For a quiet Canadian writer working in the boonies, it is a delightful and slightly unnerving experience when a more prolific and socially active American author reviews - and then extols - one's lesser known work.

When that reviewing author then gives that lesser known work  another FIVE star review  - it is hard not to sigh in relief and immense gratitude.

Could any writer ask for more?!?

The reviewing author of my last two novels, Veronica Cline Barton, is a fertile writer of a charming cozy murder series that has her main protagonist, Gemma, bounce back and forth from the States to the United Kingdom. Integral to Gemma's evolving story is Veronica's on-going interest with FAMILY and FORTUNE - but on a royal scale! We intersect on those two points. As #writers, we are both fascinated by the vicisstitudes of FAMILY and FORTUNE in fiction - and real life ... 

Book Review Header on Veronica's Blog

Since the very beginning of human history, family tribes have plotted to not only secure but expand their territories. Growth, let alone survival, has been achieved through numbers. Adding new members to any family invariably increases that family's material wealth and influence. 

The most common method to enhance status and FORTUNE is to 'marry' into a FAMILY of greater means or status than one's own. If family bonds are very thick, the 'ritual' of marriage becomes a strategic move to enhance both wedding parties material wealth and power.

It is only in relatively recent times that LOVE - as a basis for marriage - has gained ground against the plotting traditions of Powerful Families. (Just ask the British Monarchy.)

In Veronica's recent review of my second novel, The Gilded Beaver, she deftly highlights the slow evolution of the willful and creative protagonist, Iris Burdock, as she attempts to navigate the commercial world of FORTUNE

Iris, like so many of her hard-working female contemporaries, operates in the world of commerce without the traditional support of an ambitious or protective FAMILY.

As an independent woman, Iris must evaluate and assess a bachelor who has entered her working realm. 

It is not as straight-forward a business transaction as she initially thinks.

During her on-going assessment of his tastes and his way of life  - and without the wise or interfering counsel of family - Iris must chart her own course. She is eventually forced to ask herself what she really wants: is it FORTUNE? - Or is it really LOVE?

Read Veronica's stellar 5 star review of The Gilded Beaver  >

The Gilded Beaver by Anonymous won the Hamilton Arts Council 'Best Fiction' Award in 1999.
TRILLIUM , my latest novel, was a Finalist for the same award in 2019 ...

Friday, January 3, 2020

Top Novel Pick of 2019 -TRILLIUM by M.L.Holton

Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  -- A whole new decade is upon us - The 2020s! Without a doubt, it's going to be an interesting time and year ... Before we get too far underway though, I did just want to THANK a most gracious weekly book reviewer & #cozymurder authoress from California, USA - Veronica Cline Barton - for her sterling Christmas and year-end 'shout-out'.  I am both honoured and humbled that she has picked TRILLIUM as one of her Top 3 Novels for 2019! - Wow! 

Here's the link to read her very kind Christmas post >

I have excerpted the portion about my Canadian #histficTRILLIUM,  below: 

Veronica’s Review: The surroundings detailed in Trillium pull you in to witness the beauty and splendor of the land, grand homes, and the drama as it unfolds. I couldn’t put this book down–I was enchanted and mesmerized by the story lines of the families, the characters, and settings from beginning to end. The scope and depth of this story is fantastically told, taking you through generations of family love, hope and drama—slowly revealing the secrets that will bind these families together forever. A fantastic read, highly recommended!
Author M.L. Holton, in her words: Set on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, three very distinct families slowly intertwine over 250 years in pursuit of land, lust and loot.
What inspired me for the story?
It’s a multi-faceted response.
1) I was not resonating with local Canadian literature that complimented what I knew about growing up ‘rural’ in Southern Ontario. There seemed a gap to fill.
2) My first two novels were predominantly focused on urban lifestyles. I wanted to write something more rooted, in a genuine way, to the land.
3) I had written a detailed outline of this then-unnamed-novel over a decade ago, but did not, at that time, have the sense of urgency to complete it as I did in 2018. ~ Why that urgency? ~ There are a lot of naive ideas about basic biology floating around these days. As an historical work, TRILLIUM follows the evolution of several generations of families working the land. It is hoped that TRILLIUM will re-connect readers to certain fundamental and unalterable Laws of Nature, while, at the same time, crediting the impact of Nurture. Nature sets the unalterable parameters of growth, while Nurture often dictates the outcome.
Favorite moments: I love the passage after Canadian-born Greg Di Angelo and his Italian-born father, Domi, are insulted at the hardware store during the war. Greg breaks down in the truck on their way home. A tender exchange follows between father and son that ends with a heartfelt father-son talk at the lake shore. It makes me tear up in the re-reading every time.. … Another fav moment is when Faith’s horse, Geronimo, bolts through the vineyard. … Finally, Tom Hartford’s early bush years in the late 1750s: he and Maakadegaagwan, the native fur trader, had some fun …
My favorite characters: I liked all of the flawed characters for a variety of different reasons. Anna is simple, but solid. Eric is reckless, but, in the main, well-meaning. Paddy is an over-bearing oaf, but admirable too, in a fundamental way, for his astute business acumen. June is a bit prim & proper, yet better understood when she manifests an inherited mental illness. Greg’s youthful arrogance is soon squashed by the realism of war. … Etc. ~ A fun bunch!
Who am I? A keen observer of the Life and Times around me. I’m rather a quiet person, more a spectator than a participant. That said, in the name of art, living and Life, I’ll generally try anything once in order to better understand human parameters. As example, I would never kill anyone. It’s absolutely 100% morally reprehensible. But I know, with absolute certainty, that I could. I know this after training for a firearms acquisition certificate. Handling and firing a gun provides INSTANT agency. Being aware of that capacity within myself keeps me very alert to this very ancient desire for ultimate power in, and over, others. It remains a cornerstone for much of basic human motivation …
Thanks again V! - And to all the other fabulous reviewers, critics and interviewers of TRILLIUM over the past year, your interest and kind words do make me try harder to please, entertain and inform you all. -- May 2020 be All it Can Be! - May your Spring be Warm and Wonderful! All Best! - 
Here's to a fabulous decade! - author of TRILLIUM - Margaret Lindsay Holton  

TRILLIUM is available as an Ebook, Paperback or Audiobook on Amazon dot CA and dot COM. 
(p.s A very special audio book is coming in 2020! More about that soon!) 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Wonderful Read of TRILLIUM by actor Jens Hansen

It's proving very tough to find a good reader to do an audio version of my latest novel, TRILLIUM.
It needs someone with a 'good ear' as well as an expressive & dexterous acting 'voice'.

I thought I'd found the right person after hearing a 5-minute sample by local actor Jens Hansen. But, as so often happens, he's not available to do the entire work. So, back to the audio-drawing board!

In the meantime, enjoy this short clip from the start of the novel. I did the intro and he took it from there ... What do YOU think? - Like it? Loathe it? - Want to hear more? - Thoughts welcome!

Soundcloud - 5 minute read of TRILLIUM - by Jens Hansen 
Consider reading it aloud yourself: TRILLIUM by MLHolton

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Short-listed for 26th Hamilton Arts Council Literary Award! TRILLIUM by MLHolton

So excited to announce that my third novel, TRILLIUM - by yours truly, MLHolton - has been short-listed for the 26th Annual Hamilton Arts Council Literary Awards in 2019! How thrilling!

Narrowed down from a large field of diverse fiction titles, three works are now in the running to WIN!   (Wouldn't it be amazing to win again - after a hiatus of 20 years - when I won for my second novel, The Gilded Beaver by Anonymous ?!?)

Yeah! Come On! TRILLIUM!

Ebook or Paperback
'The Hamilton Arts Council Literary Awards recognizes published books of literary excellence, written by authors residing in Hamilton. This year, we're celebrating the 26th Anniversary of our Hamilton Literary Awards!

Prizes will be awarded in all four of the following categories: Poetry, Non-fiction, Fiction and the Kerry Schooley Book Award for the book that is the most evocative of Hamilton.'

Please join a cadre of talented authors -
- hobnob with other like-minded readers -
or  - just hang out - at this well-known
*!Gala Literary Event!* 
 MONDAY, December 9th, 7-10pm 

UPDATE: And the runner-up is ....TRILLIUM by MLHolton!  - wink-wink :)
Congratulations to ALL writers who partook in the 26th Hamilton Literary Awards! 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Double Whammy! Author Interview & Another Solid Book Review of TRILLIUM

... Always fun when the stars align and two bright comets fire over my hemisphere at the same time ...

I have been very fortunate to have two solid writers engage with my latest novel, TRILLIUM, over the past few days. Marian Thorpe, a writer of riveting historical fiction, expressed interest to do a follow-up on her prior 4-STAR book review with an author's interview ... She supplied the questions and I answered with some never-before-revealed details about the writing of TRILLIUM ...

Write YOUR review on Amazon!
You can read it here:  

Marian Thorpe Website - filled with novel excerpts, short fiction and poetry 
Likewise, an internationally well-known wine blogger and wine aficionado from beautiful British Colombia, Karl Kliparchuk(Twitter handle @mywinepal ), left his known sphere of oenology and entered the MLH orbit of fiction ...

Overall, he very much enjoyed TRILLIUM - as a story. He did take me to task, in private, on a few of the finer points of the evolutionary history of icewine ... No fault there. I gently reminded him that this was, first and foremost, a work of #fiction.  

Read his generous 'gift-giving' review directed at the wine-loving book-reading community here:

Follow @mywinepal for insight in all things WINE ... 

Plus, MLH UPDATE: I have almost finished the FIRST YEAR OF PROMOTION for TRILLIUM and will soon be heading off into new territory to experience and explore. There are two more reviews coming in this year, then that's it!

31 reviews, interviews & media shout-outs since Jan, 2019! 
Not too shabby for a little #canlit #indie #title - #eh?