The following works are a Tribute to my Dear Dad.
When I was starting out in the 'Canadian fine furniture design & making' trade eons ago, my father gave me a monthly subscription to 'The Antiques' magazine. I just LOVED it, and I have been saving decades worth of that subscription ever since. The time has come, however, to finally purge this coveted magazine inventory. To that end, I wanted to do something that honoured my Father - and his wonderfully inspiring gift to me - all those years ago.
Colonial Heritage - Panel 1 - ORIGINAL - by M.L.Holton (2017) |
These cut-outs mounted in photo-collage form, then lightly painted over by me, (series of 4 panels), were culled from the editions. Artists' - mostly American - like Sargent, Whistler, Wyeth, Marsden, and Avery, etc., with some - mostly anonymous - outstanding 'craftsmen' demonstrate the outstanding art work and finesse of a very specific time period (mostly): the colonial period in North America.
In some respects it is amazing to consider how far we've come. We've now got electricity, gas-powered engines and feminism. And yet, in most instances, the actual level of craftsmanship and SKILL that produced the above art and artifacts has diminished, ten fold. Too few today truly appreciate the time, apprenticeship and discipline needed to do this kind of mind-linked eye-hand-heart skillful work. It's just not much done anymore - in North America anyway.
We live in the digital age ... In response, I've zapped the above ORIGINAL with a few easy clicks of a photo app to achieve 'alternate representations'. In some ways, these 'abstractions' are better - more 'contemporary' - of the 'here & now' - circa 2017. To be sure, the photo-REALISM of the original photo-collage stands as a somewhat sad reminder of how much has really been lost. (Better to forget, no? and just doodle with simple straight lines, busy circles & bright colours ...)
Let me know if you have a preference from the following ... Thanks. mlh
Colonial Heritage - Panel 1.1 - by Canadian artist, M.L.Holton (2017) |
Colonial Heritage Panel 1.2 by M.L.Holton |
Colonial Heritage Panel 1.3 - by M.L.Holton |
Colonial Heritage - Panel 1.4 - by M.L.Holton |
Colonial Heritage - Panel 1.5 - by M.L.Holton |
Colonial Heritage - Panel 1.6 - by M.L.Holton |
Colonial Heritage - Panel 1.7 - by M.L.Holton |
Kindly note, there are 3 more panels in this 4 panel series.
All Reproduction Rights are RESERVED.
If interested in one of the abstract prints, signed and dated by me, let me know.
Some of this collection is now available on my Fine Art America Retail site,
consider a print and/or consider as pillow or tote bag! Looks pretty sharp!
(I will be retaining the originals photo-collages, in memory of my dad.)
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