'Cootes Paradise, Hamilton', oil painting by mlholton
( To see more oil paintings by this artist, link 'here' and 'here')
JOIN US for our THIRD Annual
Wine Tasting & Silent Auction
in support of the restoration and protection of the Hamilton Harbour. Enjoy a buffet of hot & cold appetizers against the backdrop of
our picturesque harbour and live music.
Friday, January 29th, 2010
@ The Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
555 Bay Street North at the foot of MacNab Street North, Hamilton Harbour, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Map 'here' .
7pm Doors OPEN
- Silent Auction BEGINS
8:30 pm Auction CLOSES
- WInners Announced
Tickets: $35 - CALL: 905-527-7111
ALL Proceeds support the Bay Area Restoration Council
and its work to restore and protect Hamilton Harbour
Note: Tickets CAN be purchased at the door of the event.
Limit 150 persons. Only 50 tickets left. Order NOW.
Together, We're Bringing Back the Bay!
(Kindly note, for this event, Lindsay has donated
one of her hand-made pinhole photographs of Lake Ontario,
list price: $600 ... come & get it !!! )
Post script: GREAT evening! Over 200 attendees, lots of great 'stuff', good company and yummy horsey do-overs, hot & cold. Thank you all for supporting the BARC.
Have to mention that the Mayor of Hamilton was there, and the talent were very energized ... managing everything from Stompin' Tom to celtic reveries ... Well done!
For more on this see Jeff Mahoney's review in The Hamilton Spectator, here.